Monday, May 3, 2010

Navarre Beach Oil Spill FAQ

Deepwater Horizon Incident Q&A Santa Rosa County
Is the oil spill going to affect Santa Rosa County?
At this time, Santa Rosa County is not in the threat zone and the oil spill is not expected to impact our area in the next 72 hours. However, shifting weather conditions may change that. At the minimum, we do expect to see some amount of tarballs, or dark-colored pieces of oil, on the beach. An odor in the coastal areas may also be possible. Resources are currently staged in Pensacola in preparation for a response for our area.
Who are the lead responders in the Deepwater Horizon spill?
The lead response agencies are the U.S. Coast Guard, the Minerals Management Service and BP.
What is a Unified Command?
The Unified Command is a structure that brings together the "Incident Commanders" of all major organizations involved in the incident in order to coordinate an effective response while at the same time carrying out their own jurisdictional responsibilities. The UC links the organizations responding to the incident and provides a forum for these entities to make consensus decisions. Under the UC, the various jurisdictions and/or agencies and non-government responders may blend together throughout the operation to create an integrated response team.
The UC is responsible for overall management of the incident. The UC directs incident activities, including development and implementation of overall objectives and strategies, and approves ordering and releasing of resources. Members of the UC work together to develop a common set of incident objectives and strategies, share information, maximize the use of available resources, and enhance the efficiency of the individual response organizations.
The unified area command for this incident is located in Robert, Louisiana. The regional response is divided up into five response areas based on the U.S. Coast Guard’s jurisdictional lines. Our regional command center is located in Mobile, Alabama and reports to the UC in Louisiana. This does not mean the response is focusing on Alabama, that is just the physical location of the command center.
What role does Santa Rosa County play in the response?
Our role is to support the unified command. As discussed earlier, the UC ensures that we are able to maximize the use of available resources and enhance the efficiency of the response locally and as a whole. That does not mean we are not an active participant in any response effort. We know our county, our strengths and weaknesses, and as a member of the UC we will be a part of the decision making process and response if the oil spill affects our area.
While it may seem like local counties are not reacting, that is far from the case. Unlike a hurricane where the county is the lead or first response organization, and calls on the state and then the federal government for any assistance with resources needed, this oil spill requires a large regional response and works in the reverse- with a private/federal, state, and local approach. BP and the federal government have the expertise and resources to lead this response which we may not have on the local level.
What is Santa Rosa County doing to prepare?
We are very concerned about the affects of the spill to our area and the impact to our residents. Santa Rosa County’s official situational reports and incident actions plans submitted to the state are posted on In addition:
• We are researching the health, economic, safety issues that may arise if we are impacted so we are ready to act as part of the unified command.
• We will continue to issue public information about our response, potential affects to our residents, and actions our citizens should take.
• We are researching the U.S. Coast Guard's oil spill contingency plan which identifies response resources, cleanup strategies, areas at risks, and response techniques so we will know what to expect and the role we might play.
• We are playing an active role in the unified command’s area command post located at the U.S. Coast Guard station in Mobile. We are ready to support any needed response including supplying local resources if called upon by the lead responding agency
• We have reached out and are maintaining contact with the unified command and with state, local, and other county's agencies that may be a part of the response efforts.
• There is a possibility that the unified command will ask for manpower from our county. We will make local resources including manpower, available as requested from the unified command.
Booming is being placed in Alabama and in Escambia, why not in Santa Rosa?
At this time, the priorities are the threat zones. As it moves, there is a priority list of environmentally sensitive areas that will be the first to receive booms. Estuaries and inlets are at the top of the list, not the beach areas. This is to protect sensitive habitat that support wildlife and fish. If the oil washes on the beach, we can clean the sand. If the oil reaches the estuaries and inlets, it could be devastating to our local wildlife and fish habitat, taking years to recover. Please note booms are not a fail safe solution. They can become ineffective in high seas, strong winds, or currents over one knot. Resources are currently staged Pensacola in preparation for a response for our area.
Who is paying for the current response efforts?
BP, the responsible party, is required to fund the cost of the response and cleanup operations. The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, established after the Exxon Valdez incident, is also available to fund cleanups, if needed.
How long will the spill threaten our area?
If, when and how long Santa Rosa may be impacted is unknown due to the uncertainty of weather conditions, the total amount of oil released from the site, and when the spill is contained at the accident site.
Will evacuations be ordered?
At this time, we don’t anticipate the affects of the oil spill necessitating the issue of any evacuation orders in Santa Rosa County. We understand that evacuating for any reason is disruptive, inconvenient and greatly impacts of citizens. The decision to issue an evacuation order is not one that is taken light by county officials. However, as with any incident, the safety of our residents and visitors is our number one concern.
What actions do I need to take to keep my family safe?
At this time, no protective action is needed. We ask that you monitor our local media outlets daily for the latest information from county officials on any action you may or may not need to take. You can also visit our Website at
What are potential health impacts residents might face?
Air Quality
Some individuals are more susceptible to change in air quality due to medical conditions. Anyone who is concerned about change in air quality due to this event should contact their primary health care provider, as each of us has a unique health profile.
• As with wildfires and other events that increases particulate matter in the air, consider staying inside, in an air-conditioned room and change the air-conditioner filter to ensure peak performance.
• Avoid strenuous activities outside.
• If you have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or other serious symptoms, seek immediate medical attention
• Individuals with an air quality question or concern should contact the Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.
Contact with Tarballs
For most people, an occasional brief contact with a small amount of oil, while not recommended, will do no harm. However, some people are especially sensitive to chemicals, including the hydrocarbons found in crude oil and petroleum products. They may have an allergic reaction or develop rashes even from brief contact with oil. In general, we recommend that contact with oil be avoided. If contact occurs, wash the area with soap and water, baby oil, or a widely used, safe cleaning compound such as cleaning paste sold at auto parts stores. Avoid using solvents, gasoline, kerosene, diesels fuel, or similar products on the skin. These products, when applied to the skin, present a greater health hazard than the smeared tarball itself.
What if I come in contact with injured wildlife?
To report oiled wildlife, please call 1-866-557-1401 and leave a message. Messages will be checked hourly. Individuals are urged not to attempt to help injured or oiled animals, but to report any sightings to the toll free number.
How do I report spill related damage?
To discuss spill related damage, please call 1-800-440-0858.
To report oiled shoreline, please call 1-866-448-5816.
My business has been affected by the spill, will I be reimbursed?
Reimbursement for losses is a possibility. We encourage business to keep detail records of any losses they may incurred. To discuss spill related damage, please call 1-800-440-0858.
How do I help?
For volunteer information, please call 1-866-448-5816.
For More Information www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.comNavarre Real Estate

Deepwater Oil Spill Navarre Beach Update: May 2, 2010

Navarre Oil Spill Info
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill #3 Contact: Joy Tsubooka
May 2, 2010 Public Information Officer
4:45 p.m. (850) 983-5254, (850) 393-8304 Cell
Deepwater Horizon Incident Update #3
Situation Update

Local areas are not expected to begin seeing the impact of the Deepwater Horizon collapse in the next 72 hours.
Community Meetings
Two community information meetings are scheduled with county leaders, staff and representatives from BP and DEP:

Navarre Beach Visitor Information Center located at 8543 Navarre Parkway (U.S. Hwy 98) in Navarre, at noon, Monday, May 3

An “One Island” meeting with officials from both Santa Rosa County, the SRIA, and Escambia County at the Pensacola Beach Community Church located at 916 Panferio Drive on Pensacola Beach at 2 p.m., Monday, May 3

To become a part of the Santa Rosa County volunteer data base for volunteer opportunities that may arise, contact the Volunteer Reception Center operated through Help Thy Neighbors in coordination with emergency management at (850) 983-5223. Cell phone contacts used on May 1 & 2 are no longer used for volunteer information.

Weekend volunteer stats:
Approximately 250 volunteers gave an estimated 1,000 hours to clean up Navarre Beach on Saturday and Sunday.
An estimated 155 lbs. or man-made garbage was collected. Natural debris was placed above the high water line.
Actions Taken By Santa Rosa County

Emergency management staff had identified long and short term objectives, to include but not limited to:
Identify training needed for workers and volunteers to participate in clean-up
Monitor water for oil or affected wildlife
Document local resources used
Research and track financial impacts and tourism
Prepare contingency plan for response to protect Santa Rosa resources
Monitor requests made to unified command

Maps, including overall locations and a priority listing, of the U.S. Coast Guard’s booming strategy are available online at Additional locations have also been suggested by Santa Rosa County through the unified command system including the 3-Mile, Garcon Point, Bob Sikes and I-10 bridges.

A local state of emergency was declared at 3 p.m., Friday, April 30, allowing the county to implement proactive measures as needed.
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Emergency management officials continue to participate in the unified command and State of Florida Department of Emergency Management conference calls to obtain the lasted information to plan our role accordingly.

Pre-qualified debris contractors and environmental engineering consultants have been contacted and are ready to respond as required.

The EOC is will activate at a level 2, or partial activation with essential staff, at 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Monday, May 3 until further notice.

The Santa Rosa County Citizen Information Line at (850) 983-INFO or 4636 is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily.

For more information
NOAA Closes Commercial and Recreational Fishing in Oil-Affected Portion of Gulf of Mexico

NOAA is restricting fishing for a minimum of ten days in federal waters most affected by the BP oil spill, largely between Louisiana state waters at the mouth of the Mississippi River to waters off Florida’s Pensacola Bay. The closure is effective immediately.

Details can be found at:

Fishermen who wish to contact BP about a claim should call (800) 440-0858.
About the Booming Strategy

Boom placement will be based on tides and where the oil is threatening.

The U.S. Coast Guard’s booming strategy for Santa Rosa County focuses on identified environmentally sensitive areas. Estuaries and inlets are at the top of the list, not the beach areas. This is to protect sensitive habitat that support wildlife and fish. If the oil washes on the beach, the sand can be cleaned. If the oil reaches the estuaries and inlets, it could be devastating to our local wildlife and fish habitat, taking years to recover.

Please note booms are not a fail safe solution. They can become ineffective in high seas, strong winds, or currents over one knot. Resources are currently staged in Pensacola in preparation for a response for our area.

Santa Rosa County is working through the Florida Emergency Operations Center under the incident command of the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection and ultimately the unified command currently operational in Mobile. Our county provides input, but the operational decisions are through the unified command. Santa Rosa County continues to work to maximize protection and minimize impacts.
Precautions for Affected Areas

Avoid entering areas where oil can be seen or smelled. If you see or smell oil, leave the area right away.

Avoid direct skin contact with oil, oil-contaminated water and sediments.

Do not swim or ski in areas affected by the oil spill, and if you travel through the area by boat, take precautions when hoisting the boat anchor. If you get oil on your skin, wash it off immediately with soap and water.

Do not fish in the oil spill-affected waters.

Do not harvest and eat dead fish, fish with oily residue or fish that have a petroleum odor.

Do not drive your boat through slicks or sheens.

Young children, pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems, and individuals with underlying respiratory conditions should avoid the area.

Restrict pets from entering oil-contaminated areas.
Tarball Safety

For most people, an occasional brief contact with a small amount of oil, while not recommended, will do no harm. However, some people are especially sensitive to chemicals, including the hydrocarbons found in crude oil and petroleum products. They may have an allergic reaction or develop rashes even from brief contact with oil. In general, we recommend that contact with oil be avoided.

If contact occurs, wash the area with soap and water, baby oil, or a widely used, safe cleaning compound such as cleaning paste sold at auto parts stores.

Avoid using solvents, gasoline, kerosene, diesels fuel, or similar products on the skin.
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Air Quality
Some individuals are more susceptible to change in air quality due to medical conditions. Anyone who is concerned about change in air quality due to this event should contact their primary health care provider, as each of us has a unique health profile.

As with wildfires and other events that increases particulate matter in the air, consider staying inside, in an air-conditioned room and change the air-conditioner filter to ensure peak performance.

Avoid strenuous activities outside.

If you have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or other serious symptoms, seek immediate medical attention

Individuals with an air quality question or concern should contact the Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.

Boat traffic is highly encouraged to avoid any spill areas.

Boats that must transit through affected zones should maintain a safe speed through the oil that appears light, bright, and on the surface.

Boats should make every effort to avoid pockets of heavy black oil.

Boat owners are urged to dry-dock boats.

Boater should avoid booms and should not drive over any booms.
About the Oil

The oil condition that is expected to impact shorelines is predicted to be a gel or paste-like emulsion and of tarball consistency, stranding in a discontinuous and patchy manner. The oil is also expected to be brown, sticky and possibly a emitting a sheen associated with emulsified oil.

Due to the low aromatic content, the acute toxicity is low relative to fresher oil.

It will stick to emergent and aquatic vegetation, birds, fur-bearing mammals and retiles.
Affects on Wildlife

The affect on wildlife can include: smothering of invertebrates, ingestion, loss of ability to thermoregulate, eye and mucus membrane irritation, and transport of oil through marshes by animals

The biodegradation is slow, which could lead to chronic effects on fish, invertebrates, and wildlife.

Toxicity or harmful effects are dependent upon:
mixture and types of chemicals that make up the oil or are used to clean up the oil,
amount of exposure (dose for internal exposures or time for external exposures),
route of exposure (inhaled, ingested, absorbed, or external), and
Biomedical risk factors of the animal (age, sex, reproductive stage, and health status). For turtles this will include differing impacts and vulnerabilities at the different life stages such as eggs, post-hatchlings, juveniles and adults. For cetaceans this will include neonates, calves, juveniles and adults.
Habitat Impact

The habitats with the highest sensitivity are mangroves, marshes, barrier islands, sheltered tidal flats, and shallow sub-tidal areas.

The lowest is sandy beach because it is the easiest to clean, as both manual and heavy equipment may be used.
Impact on Seafood

Crude oil has the potential to taint seafood with flavors and odors imparted by exposure to hydrocarbon chemicals. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulate the presence of hydrocarbons as a possible adulterant in seafood.

The public should not be concerned about the safety of seafood they are buying at this time. The spill has not reached the coastal area and the seafood on the market has not been affected. The Federal and State
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governments have strong systems in place to test and monitor seafood safety and to prohibit harvesting from affected areas, keeping oiled products out of the market.

NOAA Fisheries is working closely with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the States to ensure seafood safety.
Clean-Up Jobs

Workforce Escarosa, Inc. will host hiring events in effort to recruit and screen applicants for an estimated 500 clean-up jobs with Advanced Employment Solutions on the following dates:
Monday, May 3- 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., Workforce Escarosa Pensacola One-Stop located at 3670-A North L
Tuesday, May 4- 1 p.m. until 4 p.m., Workforce Escarosa Milton One-Stop located at 5725 Hwy. 90
Wednesday, May 5- 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., Workforce Escarosa Pensacola One-Stop located at 3670-A North L Street
Wednesday, May 5- 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., Workforce Escarosa Century One-Stop located at 8120 North Century Blvd.

Applicants must bring proof of U.S. citizenship, a valid driver’s license, and any relevant credentials. For more information, visit and search for job order numbers 9481666, 9481677, 9481703, 9481718, and 9481331.
BP Claim Line

BP has established a claim system that will allow people to begin the process to recover lost income or recoup damage related expense at (800)-440-0858.
Vessels of Opportunity (boats) program

BP is looking to contract shrimp boats, oyster boats and other vessels for hire through the Vessel of Opportunities Program to deploy boom in the Gulf of Mexico. For more information (425) 745-8017
Alternative Response Technology

To submit alternative response technology, services or products please email or call (281) 366-5511.
Oiled Wildlife

To report oiled wildlife, please call 1-866-557-1401 and leave a message. Messages will be checked hourly. Individuals are urged not to attempt to help injured or oiled animals, but to report any sightings to the toll free number.
Report Oil Sightings

To report oiled shoreline, please call 1-866-448-5816.
Other Contact Numbers

Transocean hotline: 832-587-8554

MI Swaco hotline: 888-318-6765

BP Investor Relations: 381-366-3123

BP family hotline: 281-36-578

BP third party contractor hotline: 281-366-5578
General Safety Information

Please monitor your home weather radio and local media outlets for the most up-to-date information.

Your best defense in any disaster is a NOAA Weather radio.

Citizens can signup to automatically receive breaking news alerts from Santa Rosa County Emergency Management via e-mail or as a text message on their cell phone at:
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Citizen Information Line

The Santa Rosa County Citizen Information Line at (850) 983-INFO or 4636 is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily.

Citizens may call (850) 983-INFO (4636) with questions.

Navarre Beach Photos April 15, 2010

Navarre Beach Oil
Deepwater Horizon Navarre Beach
Navarre Beach Oil Clean Up Boom
Oil on Navarre Beach
Navarre Beach Oil FishingNavarre Real Estate

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Affordable Waterfront Homes for Sale, Navarre Beach

Waterfront Navarre Beach Homeport  Drive
There are many affordable beach homes for sale on Navarre Beach right now. Typically, this is the best time of the year to purchase a home along the Emerald Coast. As summer approaches, home sales increase and sellers are reluctant to negotiate price. To schedule an appointment to look at any of these homes, contact me at: ttp://

497814 - Details: 1405 BAHIA DR, NAVARRE, FL - $229,000

529868 - Details: 1487 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $249,500

527026 - Details: 1483 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $269,900

516612 - Details: 1474 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $299,500

530828 - Details: 7569 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $299,900

530722 - Details: 7654 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $300,000

519989 - Details: 7838 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $329,000

529632 - Details: 1434 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $339,900

520977 - Details: 7818 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $365,000

518463 - Details: 1401 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $389,900

406663 - Details: 1443 ARKANSAS ST, NAVARRE, FL - $399,900

442054 - Details: 7413 GRAND NAVARRE BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $399,900

526424 - Details: 1453 ALABAMA ST, NAVARRE, FL - $419,995

501559 - Details: 9/12 ALABAMA ST, NAVARRE, FL - $429,000

527510 - Details: 1497 SEASIDE CIRCLE, NAVARRE, FL - $479,000

529976 - Details: 7390 GRAND NAVARRE BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $499,000

529833 - Details: 7390 GRAND NAVARRE BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $499,000

528750 - Details: 1442 SONATA CT, NAVARRE, FL - $529,900

511811 - Details: 1430 SONATA CT, NAVARRE, FL - $549,000

531324 - Details: 7554 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $550,000

523013 - Details: 1424 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $565,000

523248 - Details: 1452 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $569,000

509133 - Details: 8043 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $589,000

508514 - Details: 8186 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $599,000

524075 - Details: 7652 KEY WEST DR, NAVARRE, FL - $629,000

494476 - Details: 8191 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $695,000

525658 - Details: 7884 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $749,000

478744 - Details: 7390 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $795,000

492585 - Details: 8031 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $799,000

495713 - Details: 8017 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $799,500

508246 - Details: 1487 ARKANSAS ST, NAVARRE, FL - $849,900

524363 - Details: 1448 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $851,000

472716 - Details: 8156 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $895,000

528690 - Details: 8185 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $1,100,000

523053 - Details: 7767 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $2,200,000

477642 - Details: 7473 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $2,600,000

Navarre Beach Sonata Court

Northwest Florida/Alabama Real Estate for Sale

For more information on properties for sale in any of the following subdivisions check out the Florida/Alabama real estate website at


Navarre Real Estate

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Navarre Beach House For Sale

Are you looking for a house for sale on Navarre Beach? Gulf front, water view, pool, boat dock? Browse these properties for sale and/or contact me at for an updated list of homes for sale on Navarre Beach!

529868 - Details: 1487 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $269,500

527026 - Details: 1483 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $269,900

516612 - Details: 1474 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $299,500

530828 - Details: 7569 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $299,900

530722 - Details: 7654 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $300,000

519989 - Details: 7838 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $329,000

529632 - Details: 1434 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $339,900

520977 - Details: 7818 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $365,000

518463 - Details: 1401 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $389,900

406663 - Details: 1443 ARKANSAS ST, NAVARRE, FL - $399,900

442054 - Details: 7413 GRAND NAVARRE BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $399,900

501559 - Details: 9/12 ALABAMA ST, NAVARRE, FL - $429,000

526424 - Details: 1453 ALABAMA ST, NAVARRE, FL - $435,000

527510 - Details: 1497 SEASIDE CIRCLE, NAVARRE, FL - $479,000

529976 - Details: 7390 GRAND NAVARRE BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $499,000

529833 - Details: 7390 GRAND NAVARRE BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $499,000

528750 - Details: 1442 SONATA CT, NAVARRE, FL - $529,900

511811 - Details: 1430 SONATA CT, NAVARRE, FL - $549,000

531324 - Details: 7554 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $550,000

523013 - Details: 1424 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $565,000

523248 - Details: 1452 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $569,000

509133 - Details: 8043 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $589,000

508514 - Details: 8186 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $599,000

524075 - Details: 7652 KEY WEST DR, NAVARRE, FL - $629,000

494476 - Details: 8191 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $695,000

525658 - Details: 7884 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $749,000

478744 - Details: 7390 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $795,000

492585 - Details: 8031 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $799,000

495713 - Details: 8017 WHITE SANDS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $799,500

508246 - Details: 1487 ARKANSAS ST, NAVARRE, FL - $849,900

524363 - Details: 1448 HOMEPORT DR, NAVARRE, FL - $851,000

472716 - Details: 8156 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $895,000

528690 - Details: 8185 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $1,100,000

523053 - Details: 7767 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $2,200,000

477642 - Details: 7473 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $2,600,000

Navarre Real Estate

Seaside Florida homes for sale

For more information on any of these properties please visit:

530632 - Details: 36 RUSKIN ST E, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $877,000

530786 - Details: 102 TUPELO ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $899,000

421506 - Details: 60 RUSKIN ST E, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $949,000

529934 - Details: 41 SAVANNAH ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,060,000

525017 - Details: 21 RUSKIN ST W, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,095,000

523403 - Details: 621 (133) FOREST ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,104,000

400278 - Details: 23 RUSKIN ST E, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,150,000

520626 - Details: 53 RUSKIN ST W, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,200,000

497387 - Details: 20 RUSKIN ST E, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,249,000

481856 - Details: 744 FOREST ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,299,000

485940 - Details: 20 SAVANNAH ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,350,000

526103 - Details: 758 FOREST ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,495,000

522749 - Details: 517 FOREST ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,515,000

417392 - Details: 600 FOREST ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,600,000

392545 - Details: 159 RUSKIN ST E, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,650,000

530891 - Details: 49 VENICE CIR, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,668,000

531433 - Details: 50 VENICE CIR, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,675,000

528081 - Details: 29 QUINCY CIR, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,675,000

515399 - Details: 485 FOREST ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,695,000

523723 - Details: 876 FOREST ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,995,000

485220 - Details: 127 GRAYTON ST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $2,200,000

432465 - Details: 2026 E CO RD 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $2,300,000

486419 - Details: 2110 E. COUNTY HIGHWAY 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $2,950,000

531140 - Details: 2314 HWY 30-A E, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $4,875,000

517607 - Details: 38 SEASIDE AVE, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $4,950,000

526727 - Details: 2352 E SCENIC HWY 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,495,000

421288 - Details: 2358 E CO RD 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $1,550,000

471827 - Details: 2292 E COUNTY ROAD 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $3,595,000

508277 - Details: 2130 E COUNTY HWY 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $3,895,000

471380 - Details: 2036 COUNTY HWY 30-A EAST, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $3,995,000

494466 - Details: 2040 E COUNTY RD 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $4,400,000

506538 - Details: 2444 E. COUNTY HIGHWAY 30-A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $4,850,000

509890 - Details: 2114 EAST SCENIC 30A, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $6,200,000

530080 - Details: 2488 HWY 30-A E, SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL - $7,850,000

Navarre Real Estate

Navarre Florida Listings

Biscayne Circle

Log onto for additional information on any of these properties.

531090 - Details: 2276 PRYTANIA CIR, NAVARRE, FL - $229,000

531123 - Details: 1894 BISCAYNE CIRCLE DR, NAVARRE, FL - $750,000

531114 - Details: 1894 BISCAYNE CIRCLE DR, NAVARRE, FL - $750,000

530681 - Details: 2061 SALAMANCA ST, NAVARRE, FL - $229,500

531128 - Details: 1933 SUNRISE DR, NAVARRE, FL - $149,500

531072 - Details: 1374 JOSEPH CIR, GULF BREEZE, FL - $171,238

531127 - Details: 1979 BERGREN RD, GULF BREEZE, FL - $140,000

531108 - Details: 972 VESTAVIA WAY, GULF BREEZE, FL - $183,000

531060 - Details: 8577 GULF BLVD, #1405, NAVARRE, FL - $495,000

531059 - Details: 8573 GULF BLVD, #1602, NAVARRE, FL - $885,000

519534 - Details: 1990 HAWTHORNE DR, NAVARRE, FL - $199,000

479817 - Details: 8436 GULF BLVD, #713, NAVARRE, FL - $129,000

479908 - Details: 8436 GULF BLVD, #633, NAVARRE, FL - $175,000

528750 - Details: 1442 SONATA CT, NAVARRE, FL - $529,900

510655 - Details: 7457 TREASURE ST, NAVARRE, FL - $204,900

530554 - Details: 7008 GANDY DR, NAVARRE, FL - $275,000

500761 - Details: 1477 JOSEPH CIR, GULF BREEZE, FL - $163,900

518855 - Details: 7829 GULF BLVD, #A, NAVARRE, FL - $305,000

511622 - Details: 17A GRAND NAVARRE BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $349,000

531186 - Details: 9660 MEADOW WOOD LANE, NAVARRE, FL - $315,000

531218 - Details: 8905 BINNACLE CT, NAVARRE, FL - $324,900

531236 - Details: 2754 AUGUSTUS RD, NAVARRE, FL - $173,900

531179 - Details: 2898 AVENIDA DE SOTO, NAVARRE, FL - $179,000

531171 - Details: 2801 BRASSIE CIR, NAVARRE, FL - $187,900

531227 - Details: 1724 SHELLFISH DR, NAVARRE, FL - $229,900

531146 - Details: 1933 SUNRISE DR, NAVARRE, FL - $149,500

510354 - Details: 2043 LAS VEGAS TRAIL, NAVARRE, FL - $236,750

510357 - Details: 2043 LAS VEGAS TRAIL, NAVARRE, FL - $236,750

528490 - Details: 8163 ESCOLA ST, NAVARRE, FL - $159,700

529825 - Details: 1853 FALLING LEAVES CT, NAVARRE, FL - $192,900

516096 - Details: 7920 SLEEPY BAY BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $199,500

529824 - Details: 7458 TREASURE ST, NAVARRE, FL - $235,000

526078 - Details: 1842 IRIS LN, NAVARRE, FL - $247,900

529611 - Details: 1465 WOODLAWN WAY, GULF BREEZE, FL - $225,000

529359 - Details: 2236 HADLEIGH HILLS CT, #2236, NAVARRE, FL - $148,900

494086 - Details: 8515 GULF BLVD, #E6D, NAVARRE, FL - $566,000

530874 - Details: 7082 NELSON ST, NAVARRE, FL - $549,900

523386 - Details: 8575 GULF BLVD., #1001, NAVARRE, FL - $439,000

531254 - Details: 2582 HARTMAN COURT, NAVARRE, FL - $179,900

531252 - Details: 2553 HARTMAN COURT, NAVARRE, FL - $196,900

531288 - Details: 9524 SWEET GUM LN, NAVARRE, FL - $274,500

531302 - Details: 1479 NAUTILUS CT, NAVARRE, FL - $249,900

531311 - Details: 6894 FERNANDINA RD, NAVARRE, FL - $263,044

531294 - Details: 4157/4165 HWY 87, NAVARRE, FL - $175,000

531238 - Details: 7608 GULF BLVD, #H, NAVARRE, FL - $239,000

531244 - Details: 8499 GULF BLVD, #1603, NAVARRE, FL - $389,900

531270 - Details: 2170 TOM ST, #2170, NAVARRE, FL - $105,000

531307 - Details: 751 PENSACOLA BLVD., #8E, PENSACOLA BEACH, FL - $209,900

531247 - Details: 0000 FONTAINEBLEAU CT, NAVARRE, FL - $399,876

524397 - Details: 6539 ROBAR TESORA, NAVARRE, FL - $279,000

514540 - Details: 9478 PARKER PLACE DR, NAVARRE, FL - $167,900

528824 - Details: 9637 LEEWARD WAY, NAVARRE, FL - $197,400

526120 - Details: 2467 HERITAGE CIR, NAVARRE, FL - $234,000

528354 - Details: 2172 LAMBOURN CT., NAVARRE, FL - $237,500

527387 - Details: 8356 ONICH DRIVE, NAVARRE, FL - $249,000

527101 - Details: 6444 STARFISH COVE, NAVARRE, FL - $121,900

530582 - Details: 2943 ALBATROSS DR, NAVARRE, FL - $179,900

528777 - Details: 1991 RESERVE BLVD, GULF BREEZE, FL - $184,450

482965 - Details: 6128 EAST BAY BLVD, GULF BREEZE, FL - $567,500

475322 - Details: 8851 NAVARRE PKWY, NAVARRE, FL - $299,900

483302 - Details: _ HWY 87 S, NAVARRE, FL - $399,000

522541 - Details: 7979 GULF BLVD, #182, NAVARRE, FL - $205,000

482991 - Details: 6124 EAST BAY BLVD, GULF BREEZE, FL - $249,900

512118 - Details: 2638 HIDDEN ESTATES CIR, NAVARRE, FL - $187,500

443093 - Details: 2039 FONTAINEBLEAU CT, NAVARRE, FL - $139,500

531324 - Details: 7554 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $550,000

531333 - Details: 7631 MARTHA'S WAY, NAVARRE, FL - $208,000

531365 - Details: 7965 NEWPORT ST, NAVARRE, FL - $795,000

531360 - Details: 7400 OTTER POINT RD, NAVARRE, FL - $201,900

531340 - Details: 8148 MONTALBAN ST, NAVARRE, FL - $130,000

531351 - Details: 7311 FRANKFORT ST, NAVARRE, FL - $239,900

531335 - Details: 1781 BROOKE BEACH DR, NAVARRE, FL - $359,900

531332 - Details: 1609 LLANI LN, GULF BREEZE, FL - $390,000

531330 - Details: 2209 HWY 87 S, NAVARRE, FL - $650,000

531329 - Details: 0000 HWY 87 S, NAVARRE, FL - $1,650,000

455545 - Details: 2726 SHALIMAR DR, NAVARRE, FL - $164,500

528888 - Details: 1997 RESERVE BLVD, GULF BREEZE, FL - $159,000

523409 - Details: 8436 GULF BLVD, #634, NAVARRE, FL - $179,900

526658 - Details: 2256 WHISPERING PINES BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $125,000

529999 - Details: 2573 OLEANDER DR, NAVARRE, FL - $129,500

522118 - Details: 2620 MASTERS BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $375,000

531409 - Details: 6634 DESOTO ST, NAVARRE, FL - $219,000

531407 - Details: 6680 HARTLAND ST, NAVARRE, FL - $299,000

526187 - Details: 7807 LOLA CIR, NAVARRE, FL - $219,900

516940 - Details: 6366 EAST BAY BLVD, GULF BREEZE, FL - $309,900

522089 - Details: 8556 LAREDO ST, #8556, NAVARRE, FL - $161,000

531438 - Details: 7981 PROMISE CREEK RD, NAVARRE, FL - $196,980

531449 - Details: 2720 PGA BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $449,000

531442 - Details: 1159 HAYDEN CT., GULF BREEZE, FL - $155,000

531440 - Details: 1159 HAYDEN CT., GULF BREEZE, FL - $155,000

531451 - Details: 8573 GULF BLVD, #304, NAVARRE, FL - $430,000

531528 - Details: 6649 DESOTO ST, NAVARRE, FL - $279,000

531527 - Details: 7428 BREVARD ST, NAVARRE, FL - $279,000

531526 - Details: 7550 BREVARD ST, NAVARRE, FL - $279,000

531509 - Details: 3757 LEXA CT, GULF BREEZE, FL - $165,000

531518 - Details: 3757 LEXA CT, GULF BREEZE, FL - $165,000

531525 - Details: 2646 EDMUND DR, GULF BREEZE, FL - $599,900

531478 - Details: 8271 GULF BLVD., #603, NAVARRE, FL - $425,000

531500 - Details: 0000 OVERDOWN DR, GULF BREEZE, FL - $399,000

525865 - Details: 3213 BIRDSEYE CIR, GULF BREEZE, FL - $129,900

528680 - Details: 1658 CHAMPAGNE AVE, GULF BREEZE, FL - $215,000

508901 - Details: 8245 GULF BLVD, #106, NAVARRE, FL - $329,000

525019 - Details: 9509 BRENTWOOD BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $187,900

502074 - Details: 2625 LINCOLN RD, NAVARRE, FL - $197,900

529362 - Details: 9924 PARKER LAKE CIRCLE, NAVARRE, FL - $234,900

510061 - Details: 8319 MONTALBAN ST, NAVARRE, FL - $129,900

530507 - Details: 1975 ALFRED BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $264,900

525535 - Details: 7557 SANDSTONE RD, NAVARRE, FL - $165,900

528290 - Details: 6637 INDIAN ST, NAVARRE, FL - $229,000

531591 - Details: 3012 TIFFANY LN, NAVARRE, FL - $134,900

531593 - Details: 2062 CATLINE CIRCLE, NAVARRE, FL - $149,900

531602 - Details: 1753 BAY PINE CIRCLE, GULF BREEZE, FL - $180,900

531547 - Details: 1787 VILLA VIZCAYA DR, NAVARRE, FL - $304,900

531618 - Details: 1760 BAY PINE CIRCLE, GULF BREEZE, FL - $198,700

531558 - Details: 1720 MOHAWK TRAIL, GULF BREEZE, FL - $699,000

531601 - Details: 1285 COLLEGE PKWY, #C, GULF BREEZE, FL - $129,000

531563 - Details: 1285 COLLEGE PKWY, #B, GULF BREEZE, FL - $129,000

526015 - Details: 8624 LAREDO ST, NAVARRE, FL - $115,000

520977 - Details: 7818 GULF BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $365,000

526017 - Details: 8624 LAREDO ST, NAVARRE, FL - $115,000

517460 - Details: 6720 PASO DE CORTEZ CT, NAVARRE, FL - $189,900

479841 - Details: 8177 EAST BAY BLVD, NAVARRE, FL - $429,000

529581 - Details: 8477 GULF BLVD, #803, NAVARRE, FL - $509,900

506817 - Details: 7948 NEWPORT ST, NAVARRE, FL - $163,900

513114 - Details: 3251 BAY ST, GULF BREEZE, FL - $160,000

511788 - Details: 913 GULF BREEZE PKWY, #31, GULF BREEZE, FL - $149,000

Alys Beach Florida Homes For Sale 30a

For more information go to
Updated! Alys beach realty, Alys Beach festival
524413 - Details: 44 SEVEN WELLS COURT, ALYS BEACH, FL - $1,499,000

529730 - Details: 30 WHITBY CT, ALYS BEACH, FL - $1,590,000

518738 - Details: 67 GOVERNOR'S COURT, ALYS BEACH, FL - $1,595,000

529796 - Details: 94 CHARLES ST N, ALYS BEACH, FL - $1,760,000

529960 - Details: 31 GOVERNOR'S CT, ALYS BEACH, FL - $1,790,000

529805 - Details: 46 CHARLES ST N, ALYS BEACH, FL - $1,795,000

523614 - Details: 62 SEVEN WELLS CT, PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL - $1,890,000

523988 - Details: 92 HOGPENNY ALLEY, ALYS BEACH, FL - $1,995,000

478776 - Details: 33 CALIZA LANE, ALYS BEACH, FL - $2,020,000

529734 - Details: 101 CHARLES ST S, ALYS BEACH, FL - $2,590,000

507012 - Details: 43 LADY BUG CT, PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL - $3,450,000

Navarre Real Estate

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kelly Plantation Homes for Sale in Destin Florida

For an up to date list of homes for sale in Kelly Plantation please visit the Destin Real Estate Web site at
Kelly plantation hoa, horses at Kelly plantation, Kelly plantation club house lunch menu
500558 - Details: 4328 CARRIAGE LN, DESTIN, FL - $439,000

529351 - Details: 4396 OLD BAYOU TRAIL, DESTIN, FL - $499,000

527199 - Details: 229 MATTIES WAY, DESTIN, FL - $579,000

527190 - Details: 231 MATTIES WAY, DESTIN, FL - $629,500

518947 - Details: 290 CHAMPION CT, DESTIN, FL - $639,000

527027 - Details: 261 LEANING PINES LP, DESTIN, FL - $649,000

526034 - Details: 4505 OLDE PLANTATION PL, DESTIN, FL - $649,900

471478 - Details: 220 MATTIES WAY, DESTIN, FL - $699,000

520877 - Details: 260 LEANING PINES LP, DESTIN, FL - $699,000

525452 - Details: 232 MATTIES WAY, DESTIN, FL - $749,000

505701 - Details: 4486 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $775,000

520341 - Details: 392 TERRAPIN TRACE, DESTIN, FL - $795,000

508808 - Details: 4304 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $850,000

494156 - Details: 251 CHAMPION CT, DESTIN, FL - $895,000

485075 - Details: LOT #28 CHAMPION CT, DESTIN, FL - $899,000

517981 - Details: 4450 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $925,000

457008 - Details: 311 SAND MYRTLE TRAIL, DESTIN, FL - $950,000

525193 - Details: 4372 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $999,999

488223 - Details: 4376 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $1,069,000

505802 - Details: 301 STILLWATER COVE, DESTIN, FL - $1,195,000

513222 - Details: 260 CHAMPION CT, DESTIN, FL - $1,199,000

508539 - Details: 4446 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $1,240,000

525391 - Details: 309 STILLWATER COVE, DESTIN, FL - $1,299,000

499597 - Details: 4507 SAWGRASS WAY, DESTIN, FL - $1,299,999

522485 - Details: 243 MATTIES WAY, DESTIN, FL - $1,339,000

526593 - Details: 4368 OLD BAYOU TRAIL, DESTIN, FL - $1,390,000

512905 - Details: 4398 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $1,395,000

526911 - Details: 4351 STONEBRIDGE RD, DESTIN, FL - $1,399,000

436864 - Details: 401 COLEMAN PT, DESTIN, FL - $1,495,000

526477 - Details: 305 STILLWATER COVE, DESTIN, FL - $1,595,000

528011 - Details: 4380 OLD BAYOU TRAIL, DESTIN, FL - $1,595,000

517103 - Details: 4374 OLD BAYOU TRAIL, DESTIN, FL - $1,850,000

524569 - Details: 4378 OLD BAYOU TRAIL, DESTIN, FL - $2,600,000

514649 - Details: 4503 SAWGRASS WAY, DESTIN, FL - $2,795,000

526702 - Details: 4502 OLDE PLANTATION PL, DESTIN, FL - $3,125,000

530233 - Details: 4500 BELLBUOY LANDING, DESTIN, FL - $3,450,000

524492 - Details: 4325 BREAKWATER DR, DESTIN, FL - $3,600,000

524660 - Details: 4304 BREAKWATER DR, DESTIN, FL - $4,250,000

510055 - Details: 400 COLEMAN PT, DESTIN, FL - $4,695,000

Kelly Plantation Destin Home for Sale John Cook